

TouchIT Technologies™ is a manufacturer of innovative touch based visual communication products for the education and corporate market places.

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High quality, innovative touch-based interactive products

Founded in 2008, based in Birmingham, MI, USA, TouchIT Technologies designs and manufactures innovative touch-based interactive products for use in both education and corporate environments under the TouchIT Technologies brandname as well as under various OEM brands throughout the world. The company manufactures a large range of touch screen and touch board products containing TouchIT's proprietary technology to suit all types of applications, from interactive LEDs, to digital signage and IP-rated product which all have applications to several industry segments including education, business, and government.

Interactive LEDs for education and corporate use

LED_CricleThe TouchIT interactive LED allows the teachers, professors and business presenters to show any content on the screen to their audience from their computer. With a high resolution and low glare image, even the smallest of text is easy to read on the LED. Multi-touch allows the teacher to control and annotate over any application that is running on their PC, MAC or Chrome OS directly from the screen. You can even use gestures to control your applications.

Multi-touch = Multi-Users

With multi-touch, you can have multiple users working on the LED at the same time. Group training activities, brainstorming,red lining, the LED is a true interactive tool to bring your boardroom to life and engage your colleagues.

Annotate PowerPoint and more

Make those boring PowerPoint presentations come to life by combining the interactive LED with annotation software, creating movement and notes on the LED engages your audience.

BYOD Compatible

Use your own Cell Phone or Tablet Device with the TouchIT LED. Create interactive group meetings through BYOD intitatives.

Where can you use the LED?

Education - Any teacher, professor or educator can easily during the class take the USB and HDMI cables from the Interactive LED, connect those two cables to their laptop or PC, open the software, and have a high quality, high definition teaching tool to convey their lesson plan or brain storming session to the class or work group. By simply using your finger or any stylus to touch the Interactive LED, you instantly have a mouse at your”fingertips” to communicate your ideas. Perfect for Mac, Linux or Windows-based computers.

- No matter what business you have, we all want to collaborate effectively, present, communicate, take notes, save those notes and then distribute them via email. The TouchIT LED Duo is perfect for any boardroom or meeting room and the possibilities for what you can achieve with the unit are endless.
Medical - The TouchIT LED Duo is the ideal tool for health care profesionals to use in the medical environment. Not only is it ideal for patient diagnosis and explanation, but it is the perfect tool for exploring and annotating x-rays as well being useful as an input device for your patient management system.
Digital signage - The TouchIT LED Duo is ideal for touch-based digital signage. You can engage and communicate to your customers with the utmost flexibility and convenience. Whether you want to run the screen in portrait, landscape or even horizontally in a table wayfinding application, the TouchIT LED Duo is the ideal hardware for your touch-based digital signage needs.

iPad, iPhone, Android, MAC & Windows collaboration 

TouchIT Notes allows you to connect to a business meeting with a tablet, cell phone, Windows PC or even a MAC. Cross-platform collaboration!

You can share any content that you have on the LED with the attendees. Your colleagues can interact with the content, make their own notes so personalizing the meeting experience. TouchIT Notes even allows you to work in a group and collaborate on a shared workspace. At the end of the meeting, all the notes are automatically saved to the participant’s device.